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Thursday, June 10, 2010

My 48 things to do before summer's over!!!!

1. Get Braces
2. Wear a skirt/dress
3. Complete my tennis classes
4. Buy a pair of heels and wear them
5. Go to the beach at least once
6. Meet my dad's kids
7. Get Minx Nails
8. Go to the movies with a huge group of friends
9. Go to a party
10. Get to my goal weight (or at least a weight that makes me a little happier)
11. Wear a 2 piece swimsuit without a cover up
12. Redecorate my whole room
13. Get a haircut (or at least a trim)
14. Volunteer
15. Go Bowling (haven't been since December)
16. Take more pictures (this $500 camera is just sitting here)
17. Go to the zoo (my favorite animals are monkeys)
18. Take Driver's Ed
19. Learn to eat healthier
20. Go somewhere new
21. Run through the sprinklers fully dressed
22. Read a book
23. Get a lip ring (this one is going to be a little difficult)
24. Wake up at like 3pm (I'm a early bird, I wake up at like 6 or 7 every morning)
25. Go to Chuck E. Cheese
26. Make a video (any kind and put it on YouTube)
27. Wear more makeup (correctly)
28. Make at least one new friend
29. Play an instrument
30. Watch fireworks.
31. Learn to say 'I love you' in 2 new languages
32. Give some clothes to charity
33. Make a bird feeder
34. Spend a whole day with my grandparents
35. Try a new hair product (should be easy)
36. Go fishing
37. Ride a Roller coaster (I loveeee roller coasters)
38. Get any kind of Mac Makeup product
39. Recycle something
40. Dye my hair (not sure what color)
41. Light a candle (I'm scared of fire)
42. Try a new Hairstyle
43. Get my palm read
44. Wear a thong (okay this one is personal Haha)
45. Get at least 25 followers
46. Babysit some one's kid (That should be interesting)
47. Buy an actual album (Not download it)
48. Learn to french braid my own hair.

My goal is to complete at least 37 of these things before I go back to school.


  1. Wow your gonna have a busy summer. cool list though. from your list, I'm gonna ride a roller coaster, go to the beach and go somewhere new. :)

  2. Cool, I think I might add a couple more things to may it 50.

  3. Good luck with all of these! Getting a new hairstyle always works for me :)

    Thanks for entering my competition!

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  4. Thanks for having such a cool competition!
