I've been through this a million times. Trying to loss weight. I've always been self conscious. I need to lose weight, I think it's holding me back from being the person I really want to be, the person I really am, and I'm tired of it. I've decided I'm not doing a diet, it's pointless. I'll go to a party eat good food and decide I'm tired of it and end up gaining my weight back. So I'm going with a lifestyle change. And here's what's going to(hopefully)help me lose these excess pounds.
I am the laziest person in the world, especially if I'm not motivated, so I'm going to try to do some type of activity for at least 30-45 minutes a day (whether it's running, walking, aerobics, sit ups). And hopefully when I start going back to school I won't be as lazy as I was last year.
I probably get 3-5 hours of sleep everyday. I'll admit I'm usually always tired but there is so much to do in a day...I need more hours. I will try to get everything done by 8:30 pm so I can be in bed and sleep by 9 during the school year. And during the summer I just want to make sure I get enough sleep. So overall I just want to achieve 7-8 hours a night so I will have more energy. BTW: It's currently 2:59 A.M
-Gain More Self Control
Stop binging. If I see it, I want it. This definitely needs to change. I need to eat when I'm hungry, not when I'm bored. I need to make myself do things I'm suppose to do, like workout, or even things like homework.
-Eat healthy snacks
I love ice cream. And I'm always eating junk, just because it's faster, takes less effort, and often times tastes better. I will try to eat more fruits and veggies.
-Drink waterI never drink water. It's gross. But I want to drink at least 4 bottles a day.
BTW: I don't have a real weight goal, I just want to be extremely comfortable with myself. But I do have a short term goal and that's to lose about 10 pounds by July 15th.
I really think that documenting my weight will help me lose weight. And I hope it does. I will add more tips as I go through this journey. Feel free to give me anymore helpful tips to lose weight and to do it healthy. I might start doing Youtube videos, just to help others girls like me, but I'm not sure tell me what you think.
i love this , i hope all goes well and that you get what you desire out of this xoxo